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Payday 3 gets a short but sweet teaser trailer promising gameplay is coming this summer

Better than nothing!

A very brief teaser trailer from Starbreeze Studios and Prime Matter has told us when we can finally see some Payday 3 gameplay.

The total runtime of Payday 3's latest teaser trailer is 20 seconds, but only about three seconds of that is something that isn't just text on a screen. Aside from the various logos which take up half the length of the video, it does tell us the most important thing, which is that we can expect to see some gameplay for Payday 3 sometime this summer. "Gameplay. This summer. Don't miss out," the trailer plainly tells us, but doesn't go any more specific than that (thanks, PC Gamer). E3 is dead in the water, so it won't be appearing there, but there is always the chance that gameplay will show up at one of the many showcases that seem to be increasing in number every summer.

While there's literally no other information in the trailer itself, over on Steam, the devs have cleared up its intentions just a little bit more about what's going on. "We’re now 5 months into the Year of PAYDAY 3, with not a lot of info revealed about the game yet," reads the post. "This has been frustrating for a lot of you, but we promise you the wait will be worth it. Our team has been working very hard on the game, this is still the year of PAYDAY 3 after all, and we’re now almost ready to start lifting the lid and let you all in on how the game is coming along."

Payday 3 was announced yonks ago, with Starbreeze confirming back in 2021 that the third entry in the heist series will be released at some point in 2023. We know that the game is set in a Hollywood-like environment, but we really don't know much more than that. It was also announced earlier this year that a film or TV adaptation is in the works, but it's early days there too so not much to go off of just yet.

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Oisin Kuhnke


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